View Full Version : Sean Miller Tribute: The Man in the Arena
It is hard for me to believe it, but no one has thought to start a thread thanking Sean Miller for what he gave to Xavier while he was here.
Sean Miller gave Xavier, gave us, eight years of whatever precious time he has on this earth. He conducted his personal life honorably, he was loyal and supportive, and he was a great basketball coach during that time. He brought mainly quality individuals to the program, as coaches and as players. He graduated those players as responsible members of the Xavier family.
He won four games in four days to win the league tournament after losing his center in January. He took us to the Elite 8 with players not the physical equal of their opponents. He is not leaving the cupboard bare as he departs.
He did this in the face of early and severe criticism of his lack of ability from the impatient and unrealistic segment of fans who have little appreciation for what it takes to marshal 13 young men into gladiators who will compete with 13 other highly motivated gladiators, in front of tens of thousands of spectators, at close range, and thousands more watching him on TV. He did this in front of us all, 30 times a year, subjecting himself to critiques of each and every possession, each and every game, each and every season. He succeeded, he was the Man in the Arena. I liked him for what he was doing, and the way he was doing it.
How we, the spectators, can deny him his due in praise for these accomplishments, because in our immaturity we are disappointed that he is leaving, is small and sadmaking. Everyone is a critic, no one will pay tribute.
At least one of us should say thank you.
It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.
It is hard for me to believe it, but no one has thought to start a thread thanking Sean Miller for what he gave to Xavier while he was here.
Sean Miller gave Xavier, gave us, eight years of whatever precious time he has on this earth. He conducted his personal life honorably, he was loyal and supportive, and he was a great basketball coach during that time. He brought mainly quality individuals to the program, as coaches and as players. He graduated those players as responsible members of the Xavier family.
He won four games in four days to win the league tournament after losing his center in January. He took us to the Elite 8 with players not the physical equal of their opponents. He is not leaving the cupboard bare as he departs.
He did this in the face of early and severe criticism of his lack of ability from the impatient and unrealistic segment of fans who have little appreciation for what it takes to marshal 13 young men into gladiators who will compete with 13 other highly motivated gladiators, in front of tens of thousands of spectators, at close range, and thousands more watching him on TV. He did this in front of us all, 30 times a year, subjecting himself to critiques of each and every possession, each and every game, each and every season. He succeeded, he was the Man in the Arena. I liked him for what he was doing, and the way he was doing it.
How we, the spectators, can deny him his due in praise for these accomplishments, because in our immaturity we are disappointed that he is leaving, is small and sadmaking. Everyone is a critic, no one will pay tribute.
At least one of us should say thank you.
It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.
Ok, how do you figure this? Thats the real problem here, the coaching, and potentially the talent cupboards are being cleaned out. We could get stripped here.
I understand he isnt leaving once hes had his run and we no longer have good players, but that was never going to happen with the way we are or at least were going. He isnt leaving it dry so much as we are getting stripped dry, which is worse and less understandable in my opinion...
04-07-2009, 11:29 AM
Let me be clear. 4 questions
What did Xavier have when Sean arrived?
What did Sean have when he arrived?
What does Xavier have not that he's gone?
What does Sean have now that he's gone?
I'd think it's real clear that Sean should be thanking us.
04-07-2009, 11:30 AM
Delete this stupid thread.
04-07-2009, 11:33 AM
i'm getting really scared about recruits and about guys transferring. i mean that would be seans fault and it wouldnt. either way, id want to kill him if things get really bad.
04-07-2009, 11:34 AM
Come'on guys. It's ok to be disappointed, a little bitter and anxious about the future. The guy did a phenomenal job and has managed to elevate the program a little higher than the great coaches before him. He made believers out of all of us. Let give credit where credit is due. Thanks Sean.
American X
04-07-2009, 11:36 AM
I had to wipe off my screen this thread is so dripping in sanctimony.
Sure, thank Sean because he was doing volunteer work here.
04-07-2009, 11:36 AM
While I appreciate what Sean did in his time here, with the way everything went down I have not moved onto that acceptance phase yet. I mean he barely had the courtesy to talk to the players he convinced to come to XU to go to war for him and you want me to thank him right now? Don't think so.
04-07-2009, 11:38 AM
Come'on guys. It's ok to be disappointed, a little bitter and anxious about the future. The guy did a phenomenal job and has managed to elevate the program a little higher than the great coaches before him. He made believers out of all of us. Let give credit where credit is due. Thanks Sean.
the guy made believers out of us and then more or less said we cant win a national title. dont be one of those guys to say thats not what he said, its exactly what he said. he broke the players hearts seemingly more thatn he did the fans. if you feel the need to thank a guy that WORKED FOR THE TEMA JUST TO GET A BETTER PAY DAY then i think you are crazy.
04-07-2009, 11:40 AM
That is very well written, incredibly gracious, noble, humbling, retrospective and thought provoking. I can merely add, simply, that both you and Miller blow goats.
04-07-2009, 11:41 AM
I think its ultimate praise for a coach when the fanbase he left is upset. We know what we had with Miller from the recruting to the results on the floor. He was a great coach for Xavier maybe and probably the best we've had yet. I just wish he would have said to the players and the Xavier supporters it was about the money. He also screwed the players with not keeping them in the loop. These last two things were the only black marks on his Xavier resume.
04-07-2009, 11:44 AM
Shouldn't this go in the NCAA Forum? What does this thread have to do with Xavier? Apparently this person the thread is about (who I have no knowledge of) coaches some other team.
04-07-2009, 11:51 AM
I had to wipe off my screen this thread is so dripping in sanctimony.
Carlos the Jackal never dissapoints. I laughed when I saw the title. I could have written the thread myself after reading The Emp over the years. This is right in his wheelhouse. Smug, sanctimonious, scolding, holier than thou. I think his whole life he has been working up to this thread.
Well done Carlos. You really are a jackass.
04-07-2009, 11:56 AM
Let me be clear. 4 questions
What did Xavier have when Sean arrived?
What did Sean have when he arrived?
What does Xavier have not that he's gone?
What does Sean have now that he's gone?
I'd think it's real clear that Sean should be thanking us.
I agree with this 100%.
My husband and I were talking last night that while Sean was a good coach, and it was fun to watch us win a lot of games, it was Thad who took us to the Elite Eight first. Sean didn't get us any further. And to be really honest, Sean's first year was not good at all, and his second wasn't much better. We only went to the Tourney his second year because we won four games in four days at US Bank. The following three years were better, particularly 2007-2008, but we didn't reach a new pinnacle with Sean, and now I know why. He didn't really believe that we could - despite what he was saying. And now that recruits are de-committing and current players want to transfer, he's leaving us with less than what he got from us. We made him a head coach. We gave him that oppurtunity. He gave us another elite eight run, but no more.
04-07-2009, 11:56 AM
I don't get why we are supposed to be grateful to Sean. Didn't he benefit as much as, or more than, the university from his stay here?
We gave him his first head coaching job, he did what was expected of a Xavier coach, he did it well, and now he can sleep on a mattress stuffed with money in Arizona.
What did he do that was so above and beyond the call of duty. Shit, I wish the people I worked for had the same attitudes about me doing my job. "Hey Ryan, good job on the presentation, thank you so much for working here."
He did a job. He was compensated.
04-07-2009, 12:06 PM
Ok, how do you figure this? Thats the real problem here, the coaching, and potentially the talent cupboards are being cleaned out. We could get stripped here.
i seriously doubt this is going to happen. i know what players are saying less than 24 hours after the fact, but that's normal. once the a.d. and the new coach (whoever it is) meets with the players, things tend to come back to reality.
the reality is that transferring means sitting out a year.
it also means that the players won't be able to continue to play with their current teammates, who i imagine they're much more attached to than miller.
it also means that, unless they go to arizona, they won't be playing for miller anyway.
it really is in everyone's best interest to stay. it almost always is, and that is certainly the case here. classes don't end for another month, and we'll have a new head coach long before then. i think we're fine.
as far as the recruits go, the new coach will either contact the recruits that decommitted and start recruiting them again...or recruit his own players. either way, that's not a bad situation. there is no reason to think that we suddenly won't be able to get recruits that will contribute to the program at a high level. they may not be all of the same ones, but this isn't anything to be overly concerned about.
04-07-2009, 12:15 PM
Xavier made Miller....he should thank US 2 million times.
Carlos the Jackal never dissapoints. I laughed when I saw the title. I could have written the thread myself after reading The Emp over the years. This is right in his wheelhouse. Smug, sanctimonious, scolding, holier than thou. I think his whole life he has been working up to this thread.
Well done Carlos. You really are a jackass.
Yesterday, 12:29 AM LittleRush exclaims..."Sean miller is the man!!!!!!!!!!"
04-07-2009, 01:27 PM
the guy made believers out of us and then more or less said we cant win a national title. dont be one of those guys to say thats not what he said, its exactly what he said. he broke the players hearts seemingly more thatn he did the fans. if you feel the need to thank a guy that WORKED FOR THE TEMA JUST TO GET A BETTER PAY DAY then i think you are crazy.
Um, I think it's the other way around. X has ALWAYS envisioned the program getting to the Final Four and a National Championship. If anything X made a beliver out of Sean.
I've ALWAYS believed.
It is OUR destiny. One man will not stop that.
Shit, I wish the people I worked for had the same attitudes about me doing my job. "Hey Ryan, good job on the presentation, thank you so much for working here."
Hey Ryan, good job on the funny post. It made me laugh. Thank you so much for posting here.
04-07-2009, 01:38 PM
Yesterday, 12:29 AM LittleRush exclaims..."Sean miller is the man!!!!!!!!!!"
LittleRush! You are precious.
For the record I have already thanked Sean Miller. I bear him no ill will and have moved on to bigger and better things.
You really cracked me up with this post. You are a jackass and you know it. You love it.
04-07-2009, 02:04 PM
Let me be clear. 4 questions
What did Xavier have when Sean arrived?
What did Sean have when he arrived?
What does Xavier have not that he's gone?
What does Sean have now that he's gone?
I'd think it's real clear that Sean should be thanking us.
This is the post of the f'ing year. Simple, to the point, and 100% true. Sean maintained what Thad began (which was built upon Bob, Pete, and Skip), nothing more. If the recruits stay and we continue to be able to bring in 4 star guys, I'll give him that credit when the times comes. If they leave and the next guy can't pull it off, Sean left us high and dry well before he fooled us into thinking he would.
04-07-2009, 02:05 PM
To repost what I said on another thread.
Raccoon Face decided that money was more important in the short term than living up to a committment that he made to numerous players within the last 2 years (uh, most of the current Xavier roster is frosh and sophs, in case no one noticed) and also to an administration that showed support for him from jump- even with a difficult first two years.
Xavier does not deserve to be treated like it is being treated. Somehow Coon Face has decided that all of a sudden a decimated program in the desert that will lose it's three best players and no recruits in the pipeline in a state with a population of retirees has a better chance of winning an NC as opposed to a place that has the ingredients in place and an adminstration that has outwardly expressed the committment to one. The 'Coon's own written committment was on a CBS banner hanging in Ryan's Pub. I guess that it wasn't worth the vinyl it's written on. On Sunday, he didn't have enough reason to leave. Monday, 18 million reasons are enough. He hadn't even visited the campus to see what kind of facilities he'd be working with. He couldn't see beyond the pics of Ben Franklin.
I'm tired of the place that I love, the place that does everything the right way, the place that works to have excellence in everything be continually dissed by people who are elevated by their involvement with it. They take Xavier University's committment, involvement and support and use it to enhance and enrich themselves, then even try to take our players going out the door. Screw that. Xavier and the people involved deserve a helluva lot better.
Sorry, zero props and many negs if anyone from the current roster is stolen. That is some gratitude. At least he mixed it with crocodile tears.
xu drew
04-07-2009, 02:23 PM
will he be making annual 6-figure donations to the All For One club to show his appreciation to the program that helped get him all that money?
Raccoon Face decided that money was more important in the short term than living up to a committment that he made to numerous players within the last 2 years (uh, most of the current Xavier roster is frosh and sophs, in case no one noticed) and also to an administration that showed support for him from jump- even with a difficult first two years.
Well I suppose you've found your stupid nickname for Sean - "Raccoon Face". Clever.
But let me remind you that he made a commitment to his wife and family long before he made any alleged "commitment" to players or to Xavier. He told his wife and family he'd always put them first - and this move is certainly no exception. He has secured their future with this new contract. But by your reasoning he should have put Terrell Holloway ahead of his family's financial security. How do you, in good faith, say he should have put Xavier before his family?
To repost what I said on another thread.
Raccoon Face decided that money was more important in the short term than living up to a committment that he made to numerous players within the last 2 years (uh, most of the current Xavier roster is frosh and sophs, in case no one noticed) and also to an administration that showed support for him from jump- even with a difficult first two years.
Xavier does not deserve to be treated like it is being treated. Somehow Coon Face has decided that all of a sudden a decimated program in the desert that will lose it's three best players and no recruits in the pipeline in a state with a population of retirees has a better chance of winning an NC as opposed to a place that has the ingredients in place and an adminstration that has outwardly expressed the committment to one. The 'Coon's own written committment was on a CBS banner hanging in Ryan's Pub. I guess that it wasn't worth the vinyl it's written on. On Sunday, he didn't have enough reason to leave. Monday, 18 million reasons are enough. He hadn't even visited the campus to see what kind of facilities he'd be working with. He couldn't see beyond the pics of Ben Franklin.
I'm tired of the place that I love, the place that does everything the right way, the place that works to have excellence in everything be continually dissed by people who are elevated by their involvement with it. They take Xavier University's committment, involvement and support and use it to enhance and enrich themselves, then even try to take our players going out the door. Screw that. Xavier and the people involved deserve a helluva lot better.
Sorry, zero props and many negs if anyone from the current roster is stolen. That is some gratitude. At least he mixed it with crocodile tears.
Wow...beaknose and now "raccoon face". It's certainly a new day.
04-07-2009, 02:29 PM
How do you, in good faith, say he should have put Xavier before his family?
Do you know what he was making at Xavier and what the length of his contract was? And you're talking about financial security?!?
Listen, if he wanted the money and the third and fourth houses and the Ferrari, fine. But let's not pretend he made this decision so that he wouldn't have to struggle to put bread on the table.
Do you know what he was making at Xavier and what the length of his contract was? And you're talking about financial security?!?
Listen, if he wanted the money and the third and fourth houses and the Ferrari, fine. But let's not pretend he made this decision so that he wouldn't have to struggle to put bread on the table.
Look, he took the job to make more money. Don't get dramatic with me and start talking about bread on the table. I never said he was struggling to put bread on the table.
He'll make (allegedly) $18 million in 7 years. That's a hell of a lot more than he would have made at Xavier in 7 years. That makes a big difference in the opportunities he can create for his family.
I'm disappointed he left, but can certainly understand why he did.
04-07-2009, 02:37 PM
I can understand, too, but "financial security" and "taking care of his family" talk is crap. That kind of money is for big, fat luxuries (which is fine if it's the path you choose). He had already secured his family's financial security.
04-07-2009, 02:43 PM
Well I suppose you've found your stupid nickname for Sean - "Raccoon Face". Clever.
But let me remind you that he made a commitment to his wife and family long before he made any alleged "commitment" to players or to Xavier. He told his wife and family he'd always put them first - and this move is certainly no exception. He has secured their future with this new contract. But by your reasoning he should have put Terrell Holloway ahead of his family's financial security. How do you, in good faith, say he should have put Xavier before his family?
obviously, i don't hold the fact that miller left against him, and am not all that concerned about the effects on future success.....but exactly how big is miller's family?? he wasn't exactly struggling to support and take care of them before. in fact i'd say he and his family were more well off than the vast majority of the population.
i don't think he did it out of concern for his family. i think he just thought that if some is good then more is better, and WOW did he get more.
Mark 3 Pointer
04-07-2009, 02:45 PM
But let me remind you that he made a commitment to his wife and family long before he made any alleged "commitment" to players or to Xavier. He told his wife and family he'd always put them first - and this move is certainly no exception. He has secured their future with this new contract. But by your reasoning he should have put Terrell Holloway ahead of his family's financial security. How do you, in good faith, say he should have put Xavier before his family?
With all due respect how many adolecent boys do you know that would like to move 2,000 miles away from there friends so their father could stroke his own ego? This wasn't about his family it was about money and perceived power. If Sean Miller couldn't take care of his family with $1,000,000 a year over the next eight years he shouldn't be breathing. Congradualtions Sean you are now not just in the 96th percentile of richest people in the world you are now in the 97 percentile. Spare me with the taking care of my family bullshit. You were taking care of your ego big fella!
A father makes commitment to his children when they are born to raise them in an enviornment that teaches morals, integrity and loyalty. I have seen no such virtues exhibited by Sean Miller in the past 24 hours.
Business is Business, i agree, but not when your business is the exploitation of underprivelaged youth for your own benefit, it's sick, it's cruel and I can't believe we all accept it.
As far as I'm concerned an ounce of loyalty is worth 100 lbs of gold.
Jump the F off the train Sean, we ain't stopping to let you off!
I can understand, too, but "financial security" and "taking care of his family" talk is crap. That kind of money is for big, fat luxuries (which is fine if it's the path you choose). He had already secured his family's financial security.
OK Go, you're right, I'm full of crap. I have no business suggesting that Sean Miller should be the one who determines his own personal financial goals for his family - you are much better suited to make those determinations. Please.
I realize arguing about how many millions is enough is a little crazy, but the point is that it's Sean's decision, and it's Sean's family, and I believe he made the decision that he thought was best for himself and his family.
04-07-2009, 02:49 PM
from the responses by some people on here about how they feel no ill will towards miller then they might as well call themselves arizona fans and rename this board arizona hoops. figured id be the one to say something since no one on here knows me and i really couldnt care less how much abuse i get from the pollyannas on this board. whatever
04-07-2009, 02:49 PM
Of course it was Sean's decision, and he has every right to make it. But it's not exactly a decision to be applauded. And it's ridiculous to talk about having to "take care of his family" when he had a contract worth in the neighborhood of $10 million already.
Of course it was Sean's decision, and he has every right to make it. But it's not exactly a decision to be applauded.
Fine. So don't applaud. I'd prefer the sound of you not clapping to the sound of all these judgmental, sanctimonious critics who are on their high horse that - GASP - Sean would dare to leave Xavier to take a job making twice as much money.
I realize it's now (apparently) wildly unpopular in this country to make more than about $40,000 a year (that's enough to live on, isn't it?) but I have a really hard time believing these people who are blasting Sean wouldn't jump at a similar opportunity.
With all due respect how many adolecent boys do you know that would like to move 2,000 miles away from there friends so their father could stroke his own ego?
Stroke his own ego? Accomplishing personal goals and chasing success - however HE chooses to define those terms - is "stroking his own ego"?
A father makes commitment to his children when they are born to raise them in an enviornment that teaches morals, integrity and loyalty. I have seen no such virtues exhibited by Sean Miller in the past 24 hours.
Business is Business, i agree, but not when your business is the exploitation of underprivelaged youth for your own benefit, it's sick, it's cruel and I can't believe we all accept it.
As far as I'm concerned an ounce of loyalty is worth 100 lbs of gold.
Where do you get this stuff? The exploitation of underprivelaged [sic] youth? If that's the case, then Xavier is complicit in that exploitation. Are you prepared to take your silly argument that far?
As far as "what you've seen" from Sean in the past 24 hours, how about what you've seen in the past 8 years? Or does that not count now?
04-07-2009, 03:03 PM
Fine. So don't applaud. I'd prefer the sound of you not clapping to the sound of all these judgmental, sanctimonious critics who are on their high horse that - GASP - Sean would dare to leave Xavier to take a job making twice as much money.
I realize it's now (apparently) wildly unpopular in this country to make more than about $40,000 a year (that's enough to live on, isn't it?) but I have a really hard time believing these people who are blasting Sean wouldn't jump at a similar opportunity.
I am all for people making as much money as they can. Just don't pretend like someone going from a 10 year $10 million gig to a 7 year, $17 million gig is doing it to "take care of his family".
I am all for people making as much money as they can. Just don't pretend like someone going from a 10 year $10 million gig to a 7 year, $17 million gig is doing it to "take care of his family".
An extra $7 million goes a long way and creates many additional opportunities for his family. Don't pretend it doesn't.
04-07-2009, 03:17 PM
An extra $7 million goes a long way and creates many additional opportunities for his family. Don't pretend it doesn't.
Yeah, the opportunity to vacation in Tuscany instead of Cabo.
Yeah, the opportunity to vacation in Tuscany instead of Cabo.
And in your opinion, Sean has no business taking an opportunity to earn more money because he prefers vacationing in Tuscany? You lose this one Go. Move on.
04-07-2009, 03:19 PM
And in your opinion, Sean has no business taking an opportunity to earn more money because he prefers vacationing in Tuscany? You lose this one Go. Move on.
Again, I never said he had no business taking it. Just that the rationale you have provided is a cop-out.
I win. Move on.
JAX 3758
04-07-2009, 03:20 PM
Doesnt it just make you guys sick that we are here fighting over how much bread his children have on the table when he is currently (as we speak) being introduced as the new head coach at Arizona where he is going to make 18 million dollars??
I want to throw up all over my PC
By the way...i love the nickname "coon face"
Again, I never said he had no business taking it. Just that the rationale you have provided is a cop-out.
I win. Move on.
Sean's rationale is a cop-out? Nice backtrack.
Game, set, match - xeus.
04-07-2009, 03:26 PM
xeus, I understand what you're saying, but really, he was doing pretty well for himself. I don't think that he was doing this for his family. This was a move done first and foremost for his own career. If family was that important to him why has he not said one word about wanting to make sure his family never had to worry about money? Maybe he will at the UA presser, and if he does my opinion of him will change. Right now, my thought is that being able to better provide for his family was likely on the list, but I don't think it was in the top 4 or 5. It's all speculation, though, because none of us really know the man.
But like I said in another thread, I don't begrudge him taking the money. But why in the world would you go out of your way to bash your former employer by saying you left because you felt you had no chance of winning a title, while at that school's press conference?
As for thanking Miller for his time here, please. I think Carlos gets his kicks from being the contrarian.
04-07-2009, 03:27 PM
Sean's rationale is a cop-out? Nice backtrack.
Game, set, match - xeus.
Have you been smoking crack today?
04-07-2009, 03:32 PM
An extra $7 million goes a long way and creates many additional opportunities for his family. Don't pretend it doesn't.
i can't say i disagree with this. an extra $7 million does go a long way. every little bit counts.
xeus, I understand what you're saying, but really, he was doing pretty well for himself. I don't think that he was doing this for his family. This was a move done first and foremost for his own career. If family was that important to him why has he not said one word about wanting to make sure his family never had to worry about money? Maybe he will at the UA presser, and if he does my opinion of him will change. Right now, my thought is that being able to better provide for his family was likely on the list, but I don't think it was in the top 4 or 5. It's all speculation, though, because none of us really know the man.
But like I said in another thread, I don't begrudge him taking the money. But why in the world would you go out of your way to bash your former employer by saying you left because you felt you had no chance of winning a title, while at that school's press conference?
As for thanking Miller for his time here, please. I think Carlos gets his kicks from being the contrarian.
Sean would have done better have not appeared at that press conference yesterday. And if I could stomach it, I'd watch it again, but I am pretty sure he mentioned opportunities for his family.
In any event, to those who are all pissed off because he was "already making enough money" and who think he has no business determining what is best for his own family and personal situation, it's time to come down off the high horse.
Mark 3 Pointer
04-07-2009, 03:37 PM
Where do you get this stuff? The exploitation of underprivelaged [sic] youth? If that's the case, then Xavier is complicit in that exploitation. Are you prepared to take your silly argument that far?
As far as "what you've seen" from Sean in the past 24 hours, how about what you've seen in the past 8 years? Or does that not count now?
Silly? Reality.
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Are you going to argue... that these kids aren't used to make a profit? Seriously? With a straight face you can say that the NCAA, coaches and yes even Xavier to a degree don't use these kids? In Xavier's defense the University at least offers these kids a fighting chance at achieving academic successes that they can use to better their lives. However, let's be honest here Xavier is one of the exceptions if not the pinnacle. Sean Miller promised these kids he would be there for them for their four years at Xavier... He EXPLOITED their talents to earn a buck... to what degree Xavier was part of that is debatable... Xavier had no control over his final decision, but Sean Miller has EXPLOITED Terrell Holloway, Mark Lyons, Jordan Crawford, CJ Anderson, BJ Raymond, ect. so he could make more money. Don't lecture me on how great of a guy he was for eight years, he pretened to be a great guy for eight years. He will be remembered for how he left.
04-07-2009, 03:40 PM
In any event, to those who are all pissed off because he was "already making enough money" and who think he has no business determining what is best for his own family and personal situation, it's time to come down off the high horse.
I can't believe you're still going with this. It's awfully simple. He had every right to do what he did. And we have every right to lose quite a bit of respect for him (given a lot of the things he has preached over the years) because he made the decision he did, and especially because of the way he treated his players in the process.
Sean Miller promised these kids he would be there for them for their four years at Xavier.
One of the rules of arguing with me is that you are not permitted to make things up.
and especially because of the way he treated his players in the process.
That's a separate argument, and one that I don't necessarily disagree with.
04-07-2009, 03:42 PM
He will be remembered for how he left.
...and what would have been the appropriate way for him to leave??
athletics isn't like the mafia, but sometimes i think if it were up to the fans, it would be. when you are dead, then you are out.
04-07-2009, 03:44 PM
Sean would have done better have not appeared at that press conference yesterday. And if I could stomach it, I'd watch it again, but I am pretty sure he mentioned opportunities for his family.
In any event, to those who are all pissed off because he was "already making enough money" and who think he has no business determining what is best for his own family and personal situation, it's time to come down off the high horse.
I don't think he has no business deciding what's best for his family, I just don't think any of us can speculate either way how much his family entered into the decision.
04-07-2009, 03:50 PM
I just wish they would have fired Miller right after the DUI. It would have made more sense then. The way it is, recruiting is all messed up. I'm running out to buy my arizona gear tonight.....and i'm never going to another game at the Shoe! ...oh wait...wrong school.
I don't think he has no business deciding what's best for his family, I just don't think any of us can speculate either way how much his family entered into the decision.
I think it's more likely than not that his family was foremost among his many considerations.
Sean's rationale is a cop-out? Nice backtrack.
Game, set, match - xeus.
Really Go? A "neg rep" is your comeback to the above? Talk about pathetically done.
04-07-2009, 04:04 PM
Really Go? A "neg rep" is your comeback to the above? Talk about pathetically done.
Actually, my comeback had to do with smoking crack because it made no sense. The neg was for the "I win, move on" which is, in fact, pathetically done.
Actually, my comeback had to do with smoking crack because it made no sense. The neg was for the "I win, move on" which is, in fact, pathetically done.
I assumed that you (as an attorney) might have thicker skin. My mistake. You win. I surrender.
04-07-2009, 04:11 PM
Nonetheless, Sean Miller is a coon faced hypocrite.
Way to go Sean, you moved out west for more green in the sand.
You made your family 7million dollars richer. WOOHOO.
When and if you fail Sean, please come back and lick my balls and I can kick you right in your teeth.
Raoul Duke
04-07-2009, 04:11 PM
from the responses by some people on here about how they feel no ill will towards miller then they might as well call themselves arizona fans and rename this board arizona hoops. figured id be the one to say something since no one on here knows me and i really couldnt care less how much abuse i get from the pollyannas on this board. whatever
It looks like you aren't going to be getting any more abuse from anyone on this board.
When and if you fail Sean, please come back and lick my balls and I can kick you in teeth.
Wouldn't you be risking kicking yourself in your own balls? Hardly seems worth it, but then I'm not one to substitute my judgment for that of another.
04-07-2009, 04:16 PM
Wouldn't you be risking kicking yourself in your own balls? Hardly seems worth it, but then I'm not one to substitute my judgment for that of another.
HAHAHAHA. I just swallowed my water through my nose.
04-07-2009, 04:46 PM
I don't think anyone denies that the money Sean will be paid at UA will provide his family with financial security. However, I don't think that that financial security was necessarily the real reason he took the UA job. He can say that all he wants, but he is just like many other coaches who have egos the size of Texas, and those egos need to be stroked. Sean's father wasn't making millions of dollars as a high school basketball coach adn somehow Sean managed to live a full and rewarding life. I'm not saying he can't make a nice living, because I wouldn't turn down $3 millin a year either. I don't really care that he left even. I really thought he'd leave after next season regardless of how well we did.
What I don't like, and as an alumnus what I don't appreciate, is him diminishing my alma mater on national television two days in a row. Calling us "little old Xavier" and saying we can't win a national title is classless and unforgivable. We gave him his first head coaching job. And, we, as fans, sat through his first two less than stellar years at X while he figured out how to be a head coach and meanwhile had his players defending him in the media because his ego was so fragile he thought we didn't love him. He OWES Xavier more than what he has given us these last two days. If that makes me sanctimonious, smug, or holier than thou- so be it.
04-07-2009, 04:49 PM
I think it's more likely than not that his family was foremost among his many considerations.
Then he must have different priorities regarding his family than I do.
But as far as the money goes, don't you think it would have been there eventually, anyway? I mean, he has his best chance at a final 4 next year if he stays. And if he gets to the final 4, his stock is even higher, meaning he can likely command even more money on the open market. Even another sweet 16 or final 8 would have been just fine. If he's looking to maximize his income for his family, an argument can be made that staying 2-3 more years, or even 1 more year, would have helped more. The cost of doing business is only going to go up for colleges.
04-07-2009, 04:50 PM
Wouldn't you be risking kicking yourself in your own balls? Hardly seems worth it, but then I'm not one to substitute my judgment for that of another.
If I could rep you I would. That's funny.
04-07-2009, 04:54 PM
Delete this stupid thread.
I agree.
I'm not out to hang the guy, or kick him in the gut for taking a big check. But a tribute???
I don't think anyone denies that the money Sean will be paid at UA will provide his family with financial security. However, I don't think that that financial security was necessarily the real reason he took the UA job. He can say that all he wants, but he is just like many other coaches who have egos the size of Texas, and those egos need to be stroked. Sean's father wasn't making millions of dollars as a high school basketball coach adn somehow Sean managed to live a full and rewarding life. I'm not saying he can't make a nice living, because I wouldn't turn down $3 millin a year either. I don't really care that he left even. I really thought he'd leave after next season regardless of how well we did.
What I don't like, and as an alumnus what I don't appreciate, is him diminishing my alma mater on national television two days in a row. Calling us "little old Xavier" and saying we can't win a national title is classless and unforgivable. We gave him his first head coaching job. And, we, as fans, sat through his first two less than stellar years at X while he figured out how to be a head coach and meanwhile had his players defending him in the media because his ego was so fragile he thought we didn't love him. He OWES Xavier more than what he has given us these last two days. If that makes me sanctimonious, smug, or holier than thou- so be it.
I think there may be some truth to this. It's damn near impossible to read into what he really meant when he made the national championship comment, but it was only five years ago that he was a rookie coach, and it showed. I remember kids at Xavier my first two years who strongly believed we should've fired Miller. I was not one of them, but some of my friends were. A friend of mine who was on Miller's first two teams described him to me as a "decent coach," but when after he left the team he never thought Sean was going to be able to take it to where he did the next three years.
Regardless, Sean obviously figured it out and got out of the teams what he needed, but it's important not to forget that you got to learn on the job at one of the great college basketball programs around, at a university that gave you everything you needed and more to succeed. To even seemingly suggest that you had to take a next step to win a national championship comes off the wrong way considering the details of your five years at Xavier. We will have a stab at a championship before he does, and if he doesn't realize this now, he will.
This board is looking more and more like a junior high lunchroom table than an adult fan site. No wait, a checkout line toddler tantrum.
I thought Beaknose was just a one off thing, but I confess, I was totally wrong. Really, Coonface? How cool is that, how sophisticated, how adult. You want to be quoted, and gloated, for making up an insulting name about a former coach?
This is a collective nest fouling of the worst sort. Venom, hate, verbal sniggering of the lowest order. And people want to roll around in it, make a public and continuing scene of it. It is not a phase.
You would think after losing Matta we would know how to act when a coach leaves. But the prevailing mood is tantrum.
X is going to get the next coach we deserves, I fear.
04-07-2009, 05:06 PM
I agree.
I'm not out to hang the guy, or kick him in the gut for taking a big check. But a tribute???
Maybe he meant a Steve Miller tribute band but just got confused.
American X
04-07-2009, 05:08 PM
This board is looking more and more like a junior high lunchroom table than an adult fan site. No wait, a checkout line toddler tantrum.
You can leave anytime.
Maybe he meant a Steve Miller tribute band but just got confused.
Nice. Except now that song is stuck in my head. Dammit.
This board is looking more and more like a junior high lunchroom table than an adult fan site.
You can simply click on the "Log Out" part of the blue bar and not return. I'm sure we'll come up with a tribute thread in your honor after you leave.
04-07-2009, 05:37 PM
You would think after losing Matta we would know how to act when a coach leaves. But the prevailing mood is tantrum.
X is going to get the next coach we deserves, I fear.
Here's an idea. How about something in the middle?
On the one hand...way off to the left, we have the guys who want to set fire to Sean Miller's family minivan as it leaves town.
On the other hand...way off to the right, we have you asking for tributes to the man a mere 24 hours after he dumped our basketball program.
Neither perspective is very good, IMO. So, step down from your high horse.
XU 87
04-07-2009, 05:38 PM
By the way...i love the nickname "coon face"
I hate it.
I don't like it that Miller left. But he did. And he went to a bigger school, that plays in a bigger conference, and got paid more money.
Let's face some facts here. At Xavier he was recruiting top 50 players, which I might add was fantastic. At Arizona he is going to recruit top 10 players.
I'm sorry that Sean didn't see this through. But some of you need to look at this a little objectively and quit acting like he's some sort of slimy selfish scum ball.
I hope that Xavier fans don't turn Miller, who by all accounts is a good guy and who without a doubt did great things while he was here, into Matta II. As a whole, I think we have to show that we all can move on and accept some decisions that we don't like, and even disagree with, without tearing the coach apart.
XU 87
04-07-2009, 05:43 PM
Here's an idea. How about something in the middle?
On the one hand...way off to the left, we have the guys who want to set fire to Sean Miller's family minivan as it leaves town.
On the other hand...way off to the right, we have you asking for tributes to the man a mere 24 hours after he dumped our basketball program.
I agree. Be pissed if you want. Be pissed in thinking that Sean made a terrible decision that hurt the program and the kids he recruited. But let's stop acting like he's the worst human being this side of Bob Huggins.
It's a little embarrassing to be reading some of these posts. And I don't want to get melodramatic, but we are supposed to be a Catholic school which preaches values and treating people decently.
There are some who haven't gotten over Thad Matta leaving. Is Sean now in the lifetime doghouse as well?
Is Sean now in the lifetime doghouse as well?
I am not a fan of doghouses in general. I think dogs should live indoors, with the family, as part of the pack.
Accordingly, I don't think Sean should have to live in a doghouse either.
04-07-2009, 06:03 PM
On the other hand...way off to the right, we have you asking for tributes to the man a mere 24 hours after he dumped our basketball program.
OK, never thought anyone would accuse Emperor of being way off to the right.
04-07-2009, 09:45 PM
Sorry, whatever.
I will never refer to a former coach who insists on demeaning my beloved University and who was supported, enhanced and enriched by my beloved University then couldn't even respect the committment that the adminstration of my beloved University had provided to him in his darkest of days by his given name again.
He does not deserve to be called by the name that his mother gave him. His mother, I'm sure, never anticipated that her son would ever place money over appreciation of personal relationships, nor leave young men who he made personal promises to in the lurch because somebody threw a bank at him.
Coon Face. Fits the bill with a nice thieve's mask in place.
Beaknose- perfect for a lying Pinocchio.
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