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  1. Butch Jones to Colorado?
  2. The Hottest ......
  3. Free gladdenguy!
  4. Dale Sveum Shot By Robin Yount!
  5. Women's High School Game ends 107-2
  6. You can always tell it's Christmas time when
  7. At least 27 dead, mostly children, in elementary shooting
  8. Xavier Bar near North/Northwest Chicago Suburbs
  9. Merry Christmas!
  10. Former Red Ryan Freel
  11. 2012-13 Fan Shirt -Random Thought (Who sizes these things?)
  12. What Xavier stuff did you get for X-Mas
  13. Happy New Year!
  14. Anyone have a SportCourt?
  15. is my paycheck shrinking?
  16. Ndaa
  17. 2013 Kentucky Derby Trail Thread
  18. Prayers Needed
  19. NFL Playoffs
  20. Prayer Request
  21. NFL Head Coaching Carousel
  22. Cin Bell Fioptics?
  23. Fitness Goals - 2013 Edition
  24. AJ McCarron's Girlfriend is Hot, ESPN Apologizes For Musburger Comments
  25. Baseball Hall of Fame
  26. Stay Out of the Water!
  27. Netflix Streaming: What Am I Doing Wrong
  28. Prayer request for my brother
  29. Stock Market Predictions
  30. 2012-2013 NHL Thread
  31. X in Denver
  32. Ray "Killer" Lewis
  33. dump Housing
  34. Caption contest....Charlotte
  35. All Star Game 2015
  36. The Most Irish thing that Ireland Has Ever Done
  37. Caption contest. Saint Joe
  38. ESPN.com With a Completely Ridiculous Headline
  39. Mark Cuban: Is your college going out of business?
  40. Guy Fawkes
  41. Great Assist by Head Coach
  42. TEDX Talk at Xavier (April 17, 2013)
  43. Xavier Ticket Office
  44. So I'm Off to Dublin, Ireland!
  45. Van Exrel's Son Gets Life in Prison
  46. Super Bowl (Roman Numerals)
  47. House of Cards on Netflix
  48. Gus Johnson being prepped by Fox for 2018 World Cup
  49. Mommy Won't Let Me
  50. I'm curious....
  51. Do you save ticket stubs?
  52. Now that 's just solid parenting!
  53. Russian Meteorite Shower
  54. OH, No. Not Again. MBB Forum missing!
  55. Byron Larkin plays in charity basketball game
  56. Maryland Student Section
  57. Happy 75th Birthday to Hershel!!!
  58. Ps4
  59. Indians, Get your World Series Tickets NOW
  60. Fox19 clip on Joe Hughes
  61. Vudu
  62. Favorite Adult Beverage
  63. Titan will return!!!
  64. What did you give up for Lent???
  65. Heading to New Zealand & Australia in June
  66. 4192 - An Evening with Pete Rose Live
  67. Cincinnati Casino....Are You Going?
  68. Be Careful Out There on the Mean Streets of Baltimore
  69. Hugo Chavez Celebrated the 60th Anniversary of Stalin's Death
  70. Is Xavier broke?
  71. Indy & The Children's Museum
  72. 12 pictures of UC Vaginas.
  73. Fox Sports 1
  74. Distressing sight at home.
  75. Habemus Papam!!!
  76. Vegas this weekend
  77. Site Notice
  78. Dana's First Annual St Patty's DayBeer Pong Tourney
  79. XH Bracket Contest
  80. RIP Bobby Smith
  81. Basketball Camp for Little Dribblers
  82. '05 XU Grad Starts Cigar Label
  83. Has anyone ever done an NCAA fantasy tournament?
  84. The Dayton Suite
  85. Queen City Robotics at Cintas Center
  86. Fifa
  87. This Weather....
  88. North Korea
  89. Happy Opening Day To All Baseball Fans....
  90. Reds Thread
  91. Tablet PC Recommendations (iPad vs. Kindle Fire HD)
  92. Homer is no longer sweating like Roger Ebert (RIP Roger Ebert)
  93. Where in the hell is ATL Muskie?
  94. McDonalds workers want $15 per hour.
  95. The 40 Year Secret Behind Basketball's Hershberger Award
  96. Team Jack
  97. The Masters
  98. Prayers for my Mom (and Dad)
  99. Most Underrated Movie
  100. RIP Jonathan Winters
  101. Tw14
  102. Explosions at Boston Marathon
  103. Foster Kid Dreams of Attending Xavier
  104. Supporting the Muskies
  105. Why is Joe Biden scowling?
  106. Fertilizer Plant Explosion in Texas
  107. In Honor
  108. Concert Thread 2013
  109. 2013 NFL Draft
  110. Crazy Sorority Girl Email
  111. UNCONFIRMED: Possible school shooting at LaSalle High?
  112. NBA Player Comes Out
  113. Philthydelphia Trash coming to town.
  114. Pope Condemns "Slave Labor" in Bangladesh
  115. 2013 Stanley Cup Playoffs
  116. Hilarious Court Transcript Excerpts.
  117. UEFA Champions League Final
  118. Kentucky Derby 2013
  119. Iron Man 3
  120. GeoGuesser: "Let's Explore the World!"
  121. Questions for Clevelanders / Attorneys RE: former recruit Tony Farmer
  122. Concealed Carry: WTF
  123. XU Grad’s June 6th Book Signing At Dana’s – Also a Fundraiser for Brian McCormick’s
  124. The G Effect
  125. YOUR 1st Place Cleveland Indians!
  126. Xbox One
  127. Who is your Barabbas??
  128. '13 Indy 500
  129. Bachelor Party
  130. NFLPA v. Roc Nation
  131. OSU's Gorden Gee at it again...
  132. Because I know we all like to DRINK!
  133. RIP: Steve Dixon
  134. Roy Hibbert Fined For Gay Slur
  135. USA vs Jamaica World Cup Qualifier: Free Beer at Molly Malone's
  136. Will your team have a suspended player?
  137. June 6, D Day
  138. I'm getting married!
  139. Better Player?
  140. Thoughts and prayers for our favorite bartender Hershel
  141. Charlie Coles has Died
  142. Best Ever Sports Nicknames
  143. Russian parliament passes anti-gay bill in 434-0
  144. Drinking Means You're Smart!! Study Says
  145. Hey vee4xu
  146. US Open at Merion GC
  147. Third-Graders Introduce Obama at LGBT Pride Event
  148. Happy Father's Day
  149. This is the end
  150. Syria
  151. My Son Is LOVING Xavier's Basketball Camp
  152. Aaron Hernandez Incident
  153. James Gandolfini Dead
  154. Why you NEVER leave a game early!
  155. Congrats to LeBron James and the Miami Heat!
  156. UC board green lights the $86,000,000 Nippert Renovation
  157. Ich bin ein Berliner
  158. DOMA struck down
  159. Zimmerman Trial (Now NSFW)
  160. Things I Learned Today, that I Didn't Know Yesterday
  161. Xavier grad on Conan
  162. NHL Draft
  163. What What Rhymes?
  164. ESPN now praising "Decision"
  165. NCAA 14 League
  166. Most important article ever on espn
  167. ESPN Q2 Viewership Drops Sharply, While NBC Sports Network Sees Audience Gains
  168. Cincinnati Gardens up for sale or ?
  169. University Station: Ladies and Gentlemen, They've Begun Moving Dirt
  170. Attention Broadway Lovers: Annie "Hard Knock Life" on PBS
  171. Music Thread
  172. Ohio - alternative tuition plan proposed.
  173. Xavier sacrificing now to begin 'building on strengths'
  174. Elmwood Place Speed Cameras
  175. Will He...or Won't He
  176. Prayers requested
  177. AFO Golf- Open Casting Call
  178. Ryan Braun changes his mind
  179. Fat Charlie Has Honest Recruiting Pitch
  180. Detroit bankruptcy, "underfunded" public pension obligations, and busting the unions
  181. Is George Zimmerman White? Would he qualify for Affermative Action?
  182. Cleveland
  183. Moving to Louisville
  184. Moving to Indianapolis
  185. Who's Been Fired??
  186. Random thought
  187. PGA Tickets
  188. Johnny Manziel
  189. A-Rod v. Pete Rose
  190. Dave Parker diagnosed with Parkinson's
  191. Hard Knocks 2013
  192. Happy Birthday Nuts!!!!!!
  193. PGA Championship -- Who Do You Like?
  194. Roll Call- All for One Golf Outing 8/19
  195. Help Some Sisters Out!!
  196. The False Obama Employment Record
  197. ATL Muskie is dead
  198. Happy Birthday Xpectations!!!!
  199. Will China Collapse? And What happens if it does?
  200. Breaking Bad Final Season
  201. Elon Musk.
  202. Cowboys > Redskins
  203. Happy Birthday PM Thor!
  204. EPL 2013-2014 Thread
  205. USA vs. Mexico at Crew Stadium
  206. Thoughts on Fox1 so far?
  207. Happy Birthday to Gladdenguy!!
  208. Madden 25
  209. Could have Obama been Christopher Lee?
  210. Bengals Running Backs
  211. MTV Awards
  212. Blast from the past - Art Long
  213. Tanker Pilot View of CA Fire
  214. People/Teams I like thread
  215. Oh Sweet Lorraine
  216. Soooooo, where is the Warming?
  217. Weed
  218. Dennis Rodman is an idiot
  219. 2013 Fall Season Sports Wagering (entertainment purposes only)
  220. Cincypunk Fest
  221. Ariel Castro Commits Suicide
  222. Butlers Mascot Died
  223. 2013-2014 NFL Thread
  224. 2013 Bengals
  225. BrownsTown
  226. New Sons of Anarchy Season Starts Tonight
  227. Ebay Stars
  228. Life and golf
  229. Danny Abramowicz, XU, 1967; NFL, 1967-74
  230. Champions League
  231. Gta 5
  232. Pope Francis
  233. Steretypes Pickup Basketball
  234. The Final Weekend of the Regular Season!
  235. How long have you been in your job?
  236. The Redskins Name/Logo
  237. Gov't Shutdown
  238. 2013 MLB Playoffs
  239. 2013-14 National Hockey League Thread
  240. Tom Clancy, RIP
  241. Cool Strangers
  242. Telekinetic Coffee Shop Prank
  243. Frontline: League of Denial
  244. Smoking Grass = Popeye's Spinach
  245. A Profile of Hard Core Criminality
  246. A Show of Bipartisanship in Ohio
  247. Going to Seville, Spain - advice?
  248. Deadspin - The Great American Menu: Foods Of The States, Ranked And Mapped
  249. Reds/BP
  250. XavierHoops pregame cocktail hour